Updating information about swimming pool in the website of the school
28 Apr, 2012Background
The appellant wanted to know what is covered under the head “others” in the school fees that she was paying for her children. She also complained that the school has not yet bothered to update the school website. The School’s website had carried some information in respect of construction of swimming pool in the school premises while the School was no longer interested in constructing any such swimming pool.
The Public Information Officer (PIO) stated that in order to enable them to obtain details of fees being paid under the head “others” they require a copy of the fee receipt from the appellant which has not been provided. The Manager of the school conveyed his regret at not having updated the website immediately and assured the Public Authority that the school’s website has since been updated and that information about the swimming pool has been removed.
View of CIC
The Commission noted the explanation provided by the School Manager that no fee under the Head “Others” is being charged by the school, has already been shared with the appellant along with copies of bills provided by the manager in support of his statement. Since the manager has provided the required clarification, the Commission ruled that no further information needs to be disclosed. Regarding the appellant’s complaint about the website not having been updated in respect of information about the swimming pool, the PIO was directed to remind the manager of the school to do the needful, if not already done, within two weeks of receipt of this order.
In case of an unaided and recognised school, an applicant can obtain information from the director of education which may obtain the information from the school u/s 50(viii)(xviii) of the Delhi School Education Rules 1973.
Citation: V Mallik v. Director of Education in File No. CIC/AD/C/2012/000462
RTI Citation : RTIFI/2013/CIC/238
Click here to view original RTI order of Court / Information Commission