Sports Ministry asks IOA & NSFs to pro-actively post information on their websites
3 Mar, 2015As per a press release by the Press Information Bureau, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has asked Indian Olympic Association (IOA) and the National Sports Federations (NSFs) to suo-moto disclose various activities carried out by them on their websites mandatorily. In a letter written to IOA and NSFs, the Ministry has said these instructions have also been made part of the National Sports Development Code of India, 2011.
The letter said, it has been noticed that although some of the NSFs are furnishing the required information to the Ministry, it is not available on the websites of many NSFs and hence is not available to general public and stake holders. The letter said, in a recent case of Badminton Association of India vs. Union of India, the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi has taken a serious view about non furnishing of information under RTI Act by the NSFs. Hence the court has passed an order dated 24th December, 2014 in W.P.(C) No.9318/2014 stating, inter-alia, that this would be an appropriate case where Government of India should examine the manner in which the NSF is functioning. Therefore, in order to reduce the paper work of NSFs while making the information available to stakeholders regarding the functioning of NSFs and IOA it has been decided that henceforth the information containing 23 points as per the requirement shall be uploaded on the website of IOA and the respective NSFs.
The letter said, all these information should be made available on the website latest by 1.4.2015. Further, the website must be updated by IOA & NSFs as frequently as possible and at least once in a fortnight. The letter says that it was also informed earlier that the NSFs shall post their audited accounts and the Balance Sheet of the previous year by 30th June of the current year. It was brought to the notice of the Ministry that finalisation of audited accounts and balance sheet takes time and it is not possible to post the same on the website by 30th June. In view of this, it has been decided that the annual accounts of the previous financial year should be posted by the IOA & NSFs during the current year as soon as it is finalised but latest by 31st December of the current year. The letter further says that annual recognition for the year 2015 may be reviewed in case the above instructions are not complied with by 1st April, 2015.
(Information to be hoisted by IOA & NSFs on their website)
1 Name of the NSF/organization
2 Date of last election held alongwith the details of the electoral college of the said election
3 Details of recognition of International/Asian body. (Copy of letter to be posted)
4 Name & contact details of office bearers President Secretary Treasurer
Tel No.
Mail id
Tenure Till (specify date)
5 Details of ACTC for the year
6 Annual Audited Accounts for last 3 financial years along balance sheet (As audited by C.A. in CAG’s Panel) Note: Annual report for preceding year to be uploaded by 1st October of the current year.
7 Name and contact details of the firm which audited accounts.
8 Copy of Valid registration certificate of the federation
9 i) Constitution of the organization/NSFs.
ii) Copy of Memorandum/Articles of the association.
10 Affiliation criteria of State/UT/Clubs units alongwith details of voting rights of each unit
11 Name of the affiliated units with their registration numbers.
12 Name and Contact details of President & Secretary of affiliated units.
13 Details of National Championships conducted during the current calendar year.
14 Calendar for National & Zonal championship to be held during current/next calendar year along with venue.
15 Details in respect of international events abroad & held in India:-
(i) List of core probables and basis of their selection.
(ii) Details of coaching camps organized including venue, dates and list of participants.
(iii) Notification of selection criteria for such events at least 6 months in advance along with the details of time and venue for selection.
(iv) List of the athletes selected.
(v) Details of athletes, support personnel and other officials sent to the event along with the amount paid to them towards air fare, boarding and lodging, local transportation, daily allowance etc. This is required to be placed on the website within 15 days of conclusion of the event.
Performance criteria which formed the basis of selection, actual performance in terms of timing, distance, etc. and the position obtained by each athlete/team.
16 List of I cards issued to National Athletes with Name of athlete, I card N. & validity date.
17 The details of certificates issued by the NSFs to the participants such as the name of the athlete, date of event, position obtained by the athlete, etc.
18 Action taken by the NSF for prevention of age fraud.
19 Notifying/updating the present selection Committee for national athletes.
20 Note on efforts for having dope free sports and compliance to WADA/NADA Code along with details of cases found positive during the last calendar year and action taken thereon.
21 Details (amount & source) of funds received from other sources, including private sponsors, public sector undertakings, State Governments, etc.
22 Revenue generated by the NSF on its own.
23 Date on which the website was last updated.
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