RTI being used by a large number of CAT candidates
18 Jan, 2014Survey of the online data has shown a high degree of dis-satisfaction amongst the candidates who appeared for the Common Admission Test (CAT) examination for admission to the IIMs and many business schools. An online petition seeking re-valuation has been generated which received more than 2000 signatures in just one day. With more than 1100 members, a facebook page, CAT 2013 discrepancy, is growing fast.
Alleging wrong evaluation, the candidates are now resorting to RTI route to know their scores. The scoring system uses a normalisation process which converts their raw score to scaled score which is used for the admission of the candidates. The candidates have alleged the normalisation process is flawed and have demanded be more transparency. Currently, the candidates are informed only their scaled score, while the have demanded the raw score as well.
Cases have been cited where an unexpected score was seen by test takers, like a candiadate who scored 99 percentile in quantitative aptitude but just around 20 in the verbal section, allegations of technical glitches have been made.
The convenor of CAT 2013 Dr Rohit Kapoor reportedly said that complaints have been received and are being replied to individually.