Respondent: As per FCI circular, confidential report may be weeded out after 5 years of retirement; APAR dossier of Appellant has been weeded out with the approval of the Competent Authority - CIC: PIO to furnish a copy of the Record Retention Schedule
8 Jan, 2024Information sought and background of the case:
The Appellant filed an RTI application dated 08.03.2022seeking information on following points:-
“1. Provide the Copies of ACRS for the years 1999 to 2011.
2. Is there any adverse remarks against me that cause hindrance in my next promotion.
3. Intimate where after there is any vigilance case during the period my promotion as AG-II (D)”
The CPIO/Assistant General Manager, Regional Office, Chandigarh vide letter dated 29.04.2022 replied as under:-
“In this regard, Annual Confidential Report (ACR) and Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) are maintained by the zonal office (nodal office). Therefore, your letter has been sent to Zonal Office (North), Noida for further action.”
The CPIO/Assistant General Manager (Vigilance) vide letter dated 27.04.2022 providing copy as information in context to Vigilance Profile:-
Staff Code - 06665
Name - Inder Sain
Designation - AG 1 (D)
DOB - 15.03.1952
Purpose - Furnish the Vigilance profile of Ex official for the period of 2000 to 2010 for deciding legal notice release for of promotion as M(D)
Vig Status - As per records available at FCI, RO Punjab, there is no profile of the said official.
The CPIO/Assistant General Manager, Zonal Office, NOIDA vide letter dated 23.06.2022 replied as under:-
“1-2. In this regard, it is informed that as per FCI Hqrs., New Delhi weed out circular no. 10- 4(24)/79-OMISS dated 07.03.1989, confidential report may be weed out after 5 years of retirement. Accordingly your APAR dossier has been weeded out with the approval of the Competent Authority. 3. As per your representation, reply has already been given by FCI RO: Chandigarh (PB).”
Dissatisfied with the response received from the CPIO, the Appellant filed a First Appeal dated 18.04.2022. The FAA/vide order dated 22.07.2022stated as under:-
“In this regard, according to the facts given in the appeal, the information sent by the letter dated 29.04.2022 of the CPIO/Assistant General Manager (General/APAR) of this office and the letter of the Assistant General Manager (ACPIO) of Bhakhani, Zonal Office (North), Noida. After perusal of date 23.06.2022 (photocopy attached), it is informed that ACR/APAR of year 1999 to 2011 is not available in this office and Bhakhani, Zonal Office (North), Noida has also informed that Headquarters, New As per Delhi circular, APAR has been weeded out after 05 years of retirement.”
Aggrieved and dissatisfied, the Appellant approached the Commission with the instant Second Appeal.
Written submission dated 29.11.2023 has been received from the Appellant and same has been taken on record.
Facts emerging in Course of Hearing:
Appellant: Present via VC
Respondent: Mr. Mukesh Diwedi, DGM (Pers)/CPIO, FCI, ZO, Noida
The Appellant stated that relevant information has not been furnished to him till date. He further stated that he had sought his ACRs for the year 1999 to 2011 but the same has not been furnished to him till date.
The Respondent stated that relevant information has been duly furnished to the Appellant. He further stated that as per FCI Hqrs., New Delhi weed out circular no. 10- 4(24)/79-OMISS dated 07.03.1989, confidential report may be weeded out after 5 years of retirement. Accordingly, APAR dossier of Appellant has been weeded out with the approval of the Competent Authority.
At the outset, Commission directs the concerned PIO to furnish a copy of their latest written submission along with annexures if any, to the Appellant, free of cost via speed-post and via e-mail, within 07 days from the date of receipt of this order and accordingly, compliance report be sent to the Commission.
Commission has gone through the case records and on the basis of proceedings during hearing observes that an appropriate response as per the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005 has been provided by the Respondent since only such information that is held and available with a public authority can be provided to the information seekers. Hence, no further intervention of the Commission is required in the instant matter. However, the PIO shall furnish a copy of the Record Retention Schedule as followed by their department to the Appellant free of cost via speed post within 07 days from the date of receipt of this order and accordingly, compliance report be sent to the Commission.
The Appeal is disposed of accordingly.
Heeralal Samariya
Chief Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Inder Sain v. Food Corporation of India & Ministry of Consumer Affair, CIC/MCAFP/A/2022/657074; Date of Decision: 06.12.2023