RBL Bank Ltd filed second appeal dated 16.10.2020 as an aggrieved party against the order of First Appellate Authority - Appellant: Grave and irreparable loss would be caused to the Bank if the order passed by the FAA is not stayed - CIC granted a stay
11 Dec, 2020O R D E R
1. The Appellant RBL Bank Ltd filed second appeal dated 16.10.2020 as an aggrieved party against the First Appellate Authority (FAA), RBI’s order dated 16.03.2020, communicated vide RBI’s letter dated 18.03.2020.
2. The Appellant submitted that the respondent vide letter dated 18.03.2020 sent the FAA order dated 16.03.2020 and informed them that in absence of any stay order from the Commission, the information would be disclosed to the RTI applicant Shri Girish Mittal.
3. The Appellant prayed that grave and irreparable loss would be caused to Appellant Bank if the order passed by the Ld. First Appellate Authority is not stayed. As such no prejudice shall be caused to the RTI applicant in case the operation of the order of the FAA is stayed.
4. The Commission after adverting to the facts and circumstances of the case, and perusal of records, observes that the appellant bank had prayed for interim order staying the operation of impugned Order dated 16.03.2020 communicated vide Cover letter dated 18.03.2020 in Appeal No. RBIND/A/2019/60710/A, passed by Ld. Appellate Authority & Executive Director, RBI, Central Office, Mumbai. In terms of prayer, the second appeal is admitted and keeping in view the urgency the operation of FAA’s order dated 6.03.2020 are stayed till further orders.
Copy of the decision be provided free of cost to the parties.
(Suresh Chandra)
Information Commissioner
Citation: RBL Bank Ltd. V. Reserve Bank of India in Second Appeal No. CIC/RBIND/A/2020/131917, Date of Decision: 28.10.2020