Information regarding the printing of currency notes since independence was sought - PIO: information sought is very old & not readily available; information as available in the annual reports from 2001-02 to 2011-12 were provided - CIC: appeal rejected
15 Jul, 2015ORDER
1. The appellant Shri Maloy Chandan Mukherjee submitted RTI application dated 24.09.2012 before the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), addressed to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs seeking information about the printing of currency notes since independence.
2. The CPIO, Department of Economic Affairs transferred the RTI application to the CPIO, RBI. The CPIO, RBI vide letter dated 04.02.2013 replied to the appellant that the information sought was not clear. Thereafter the appellant had filed appeal elaborating his query about printing of currency notes by the RBI since independence. The FAA vide order dated 23.01.2013 directed the CPIO to revisit the query and furnish the information as per available records. In compliance with the directions of the FAA, the CPIO vide letter dated 04.02.2013 had provided the information as per available records to the appellant.
3. Thereafter the appellant filed the instant appeal before the Commission.
4. The matter was heard by the Commission. The appellant did not attend the hearing in spite of a notice of hearing having been sent to him. The respondents stated that the appellant had sought for information from 1947 onwards which was not readily available being very old. They had, in compliance with directions of the FAA, the information as available in the annual reports from 2001-02 to 2011-12 on the currency in circulation, provided to the appellant.
5. The Commission observes that the information as sought for by the appellant initially was not quite clear. When the appellant elaborated about the information at appellate channel, the CPIO, in compliance with the directions of the FAA provided information as available to the appellant. The Commission finds no reason to disagree with the decision of the respondents. The appeal is disposed of.
(Manjula Prasher)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Maloy Chandan Mukherjee v. Reserve Bank of India in Appeal: No. CIC/MP/A/2014/001333