Information with regard to pursuing a Course in M.Sc through ODL Mode of Education was sought from UGC - Appellant raised a new point & sought clarifications for pursuing M.Sc through distance mode from other states in second appeal - CIC: Reply is proper
9 Sep, 2020Information Sought:
The Appellant has sought the following information with regard to pursuing a Course in M.Sc (Chemistry) through ODL Mode of Education:
1. Provide the order/guidelines/rules/any document, supportive evidence showing that one can acquire M.Sc (Chemistry) qualification through ODL mode from other State University (as per the information gathered by the appellant, his home State, Maharashtra has no University offering M.Sc in Chemistry through distance learning mode) which one can use for departmental promotion and employment in Central Government jobs.
2. Provide the name of university in the Maharashtra State (at least one) for doing M.Sc (Chem.) through distance mode in Maharashtra. The qualification acquired would be used for departmental promotion and employment in Central Government jobs.
3. Provide the name of the Central University (at least one) offering M.Sc (Chem.) through distance learning mode all over India. The qualification acquired would be used for departmental promotion and employment in Central Government jobs.
4. And other related information.
Grounds for Second Appeal
The CPIO has not provided the desired information.
Submissions made by Appellant and Respondent during Hearing:
The appellant submitted that he wanted to know if he can acquire M.Sc (chem.) education through distance education mode from other states as this facility is not available in his residential state(Maharashtra) as he wants to apply for departmental promotions and services in Central Government jobs.
The CPIO submitted that an appropriate reply was given to the appellant on 27.08.2018.
From a perusal of the relevant case records, it is noted that the appellant in his second appeal has raised a new point and moreover, he is seeking some clarifications for pursuing M.Sc through distance mode from other states. The Commission holds that the reply given is proper as adequate information was given to the appellant and the appellant cannot raise fresh queries at the appellate stage. Hence, no further relief can be given, more so, when the information sought is nothing but seeking some clarifications on the hypothetical queries raised by the appellant and under the provisions of the RTI Act, only such information as is available and existing and held by the public authority or is under the control of the public authority can be provided.
During the hearing, the CPIO submitted that they have given an updated reply which was also sent to the appellant on 25.08.2020 through speed post. Since the reply is a recent one and the same may be in transit with the postal authorities, the CPIO is directed to send a copy of this reply to the appellant on his mail id immediately after the hearing is over.
In view of the above, the CPIO is directed to send a copy of the reply dated 25.08.2020 to the appellant on his mail id by today.
The Appeal is disposed of accordingly.
Vanaja N. Sarna
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shailesh P Nandagawali v. University Grants Commission in File No.: CIC/UGCOM/A/2019/104354, Date of Decision : 26/08/2020