Information about the service conditions under RTI
16 May, 2012Background
The appellant sought information with regard to SSE (Electrical) of the Rail Coach Factory such as whether the Steno to Deputy CME (I & L) was competent to issue orders on behalf of the Deputy CME; whether the SSE (Elec.) was empowered to reject the C L application to the staff working under him when the same lies to the credit of the subordinate staff and whether he can deduct his salary for those days at his will; which authority permitted for the creation of SSE/Coordination post under the control of Dy. CME(I&L)/TKJ and whether this post exists under the Railway Board’s order, along with the copy of the relevant order and why the department has deputed two supervisors for supervising merely four telephone operators. The Public Information Officer (PIO) submitted that the steno to the Deputy CME had signed the order in after receiving the approval to do so from the Deputy CME; the SSE (Elec.) was empowered to reject the Casual leave application; no approval by the Railway Board was given for the creation of SSE/Coordination post; the PIO provided justifications for last three years with regard to deputation of two telephone supervisors.
View of CIC
The Central Information Commission (CIC) directed the PIO to provide the appellant all the information as per submissions made before the CIC and also give the justifications for the previous years as available in the records and if not available, the appellant should be informed formally in writing about the non- availability of the information.
Citation: Mr. Arul Kumar v. Rail Coach Factory in File No. CIC/AD/A/2012/000686
RTI Citation : RTIFI/2012/CIC/280
Click here to view original RTI order of Court / Information Commission