Information about pay - CIC: Merely informing that matter is under consideration is akin to providing no information; PIO is directed to provide certified copy of available note sheet/correspondence relevant to processing the relevant representation
30 Aug, 2019Information sought:
The Appellant sought information regarding the rules, orders, memo by which the pay scale 15600-39100 Grade Pay 7600/- was applied not from February 2012 but from February 2014; action taken request on his letter dated 18.10.2017 and 18.11.2017 etc.
Grounds for the Second Appeal:
The CPIO has not provided the desired information.
Relevant Facts emerging during Hearing:
The following were present: -
Appellant: Present through VC. Respondent: Ramesh Kumar Negi, Dy. Dir. & CPIO, Vikash Kumar, SO and S.R. Pandey, Consultant, O/o DG: AIR, Akashwani Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi present in person.
Appellant stated that he is not satisfied with the reply of the CPIO, particularly on paras 2 and 3 of the RTI Application in which the CPIO has informed that his relevant representations are under consideration. CPIO submitted that he will abide by the orders of the Commission, if any.
Commission has gone through the case records and observes that merely informing that matter is under consideration is akin to providing no information. In view of this, CPIO is directed to provide certified copy of available note sheet/correspondence relevant to processing the relevant representation(s) as sought at paras 2 and 3 of the RTI Application, as on date of this order to the Appellant free of cost within 15 days of receipt of this order. A compliance report to this effect shall be sent to the Commission by the CPIO.
The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
Divya Prakash Sinha
Information Commissioner
Citation: Vijay Kumar Gupta v. CPIO, O/o Prasar Bharti DG in File No : CIC/DGAAR/A/2018/125595/SD, Date of Decision : 31/07/2019