If the FAA is not responding to the appeal within the prescribed time
16 Dec, 2022Ref: No penalty can be imposed on the first appellate authority under RTI Act
Comment: Sir,
If there is inordinate delay (say about a year) on the part of First Appellate Authority in giving its decision on the First Appeal, then what can be done to bring Justice to the Applicant?
Please dwell in detail or example or case law.
Email id: pawankr52@gmail.com
If the FAA is not responding to the appeal within the prescribed time, the appellant should directly proceed to file the second appeal to the Information Commission without waiting with the order of the FAA. Many cases have been reported on the website where strictures have been passed against the FAA by the CIC.
Section 19 (3) reads, “A second appeal against the decision under sub-section (1) shall lie within ninety days from the date on which the decision should have been made or was actually received, with the Central Information Commission or the State Information Commission”