Even foreigner has right to information to the limited extent
17 Dec, 2013Ref: PIO: application filed in official capacity and not as a citizen of India - CIC: as long as the RTI application is signed by an individual who is a citizen of India, then notwithstanding the capacity in which such application is filed, it shall be valid http://www.rtifoundationofindia.com/pio-application-filed-official-capacity-and-not-ci
Comment: Even a person holding any office under the public authority can seek information from other concerned public authority if he is authorised in this regard under RTI Act. Here third party definition under section 2 (n) is very important to note which states as follow:
"Third Party means a person other than the citizen making a request for information and includes a public authority."
It is also very much clear that even foreigner has right to information to the limited extent such information relating to life and personal liberty of a person as per the proviso of Section 7 of the Act. Even person includes foreigner who has also been conferred constitutional fundamental right to life and personal liberty and also protection in case of arrest and detention as well as conviction. So even a foreigner is entitled to seek information to this limited extent.
Name: Bindeshwar Sah