Documents related to patta - PIO: RTI application was not transferred to Survey and Land records department as he did not get a copy of the FAA’s order; Compliance with the FAA’s order will be done immediately - CIC: No scope for relief
10 May, 2023Information Sought:
The Appellant has sought the following information:
Provide copies of all the documents and application uploaded while applying for the patta at E-sevai maiyam in respect of the following application. Also provide the name & address of the esevai maiyam center:
Application no. 2022/0105/01/386622 - petitioner name Krishnamoorthy - application date 04/01/2022.
Grounds for Second Appeal
The CPIO did not provide the desired information.
Submissions made by Appellant and Respondent during Hearing:
The appellant was not present at the VC venue despite due service of notice on 25.03.2023 vide speed post acknowledgment no. ED365156518IN.
The CPIO submitted that they do not own the data so they are not able to provide any information.
Based on a perusal of the record, it was noted that the CPIO on 25.03.2022 had provided an online reply. It was stated that as per the information received from the custodian of information, the National Informatics Centre is providing technical support for central and state government departments. All information is the responsibility of the respective government Departments. The National Informatics Centre is not responsible for any sectoral information. Hence the appellant may contact Tashildhar Poonamallee of Tiruvallur District as NIC is unable to transfer query online.
The FAA vide order dated 08.04.2022 disposed of the first appeal and directed the CPIO, NIC to transfer the application to Thiru. K.Sivakaran, Joint Director, Survey and Land records department, Survey House, Chepauk, Chennai. The CPIO informed during the hearing that the RTI application was not transferred to Thiru.K.Sivakaran, Joint Director, Survey and Land records department in compliance with the FAA’s order, as he did not get a copy of the FAA’s order. However, he submitted that he shall transfer the RTI application in compliance with the FAA’s order immediately.
The Commission could not find any scope for providing any relief to the appellant. He was adequately informed that the NIC is not the custodian of information.
The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
Vanaja N. Sarna
Information Commissioner
Citation: Duraisamy v. National Informatics Centre, File no.: CIC/NICHQ/A/2022/626262; 06/04/2023