Copy of service records of a FCI official; copy of contract between FCI and a transporter & rules followed in any discrepancy between the recorded weight of the food grains at the time of being loaded and being - CIC: provide the information
12 Jan, 2014O R D E R
1. The appellant filed an RTI application on 1052012 seeking information about the contractor with whom an agreement was executed by the FCI for purchase of wheat for Hanumangarh Junction Centre and related issues. He also wanted copy of each agreement between FCI and contractor and tender notice.
2. The CPIO responded on 2062012 and 2472012, providing information to the appellant. The appellant filed an appeal with the first appellate authority (FAA) on 2372012. The FAA responded on 2282012 and upheld the views of the CPIO. The appellant approached the Commission on 20122012 in a second appeal.
3. I heard both the parties through videoconferencing. The appellant was represented by a closerelative.
4. The appellant referred to his RTI application of 1052012 and reiterated the four points that had been made in the RTI application. The appellant stated that he has been given information on one of the four points but he has not been given information on the other three points on which the FCI has been evasive. The appellant stated that he was seeking information through this hearing on the following three points:
(a) a copy of the service records of the FCI official referred to in the RTI application;
(b) a copy of the contract referred to in his RTI application which the FCI entered into with the transporter as mentioned in the RTI application; and
(c) the rules which are followed in the event of any discrepancy between the recorded weight of the food grains at the time of being loaded and at the time of it being unloaded in the warehouse.
5. The respondent stated that in so far as the issue on the rules regarding any discrepancy in weight is concerned, that information has already been provided in the CPIO’s response of 2472012 in para
6. But, in so far as the other two points were concerned, the respondent stated that this information was denied as per the exemption from disclosure clauses of the RTI Act.
6. The respondent is directed to enable inspection of the relevant file by the appellant and provide photocopies of the documents in context of the RTI application within 30 days of this order. Appeal is disposed of. Copy of this order be given free of cost to the parties.
(Vijai Sharma)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Som Prakash Agarwal v. Food Corporation of India in Decision No.CIC/VS/A/2013/000298/05657