Cold response from the ministers for RTI query regarding their working style
14 Jan, 2014An application, filed with the twenty nine cabinet ministers of Karnataka under the Right to Information (RTI) Act regarding their functioning styles, has got quite a cold response from the ministers with only nine ministers replying to the query.
The RTI application sought to get information like how many times did the ministers visit their respective constituency in last six months, how many department-wise meetings they had conducted, how many Karnataka Development Programme (KDP) meetings did they conduct, how many applications and grievances were received in last six months and the details of meetings conducted with district officials to improve the department. The query also sought the dates of Janata Darshans the ministers conducted.
However, the applicant told that only 9 ministers out of 29 replied to his query. RTI activist Bhimappa Gadad also said that even among the replies received from the ministers, most are incomplete. The applicant has said that he would approach the State Information Commission (SIC) demanding action against the 20 ministers who have failed to provide information.