CIC: IT Dept at Agra/Firozabad have not made arrangement for receipt & processing of RTI applications causing hardship to information seekers - CIC: put in place a credible system for disposing of RTI applications timely; Compensation of Rs. 500/- awarded
21 Oct, 2015Information sought:-
The appellant through 11 eleven queries has sought the information related to the details of the PIO of Joint Tax Commissioner office, Range – 5 Firozabad and various details related to the working hours of the employees. He also wants the copy of the citizen charter of the department in hindi language.
Grounds for the Second Appeal: The CPIO has not provided the desired information.
Relevant Facts emerging during Hearing: The following were present
Appellant: Mr. Anil Kumar Singhal through VC;
Respondent: Mr. Anil Kumar Gupta, CPIO through VC;
The appellant stated that no information has been given by the respondent in reply to query 01, 08 & 09 of his RTI application dated 09/09/2013. He informed that he had filed his RTI application with the Commissioner’s office at Agra who transferred the same to Firozabad but the income tax office at Firozabad does not display any particulars of the CPIO or the FAA. He also informed that he had submitted an RTI application seeking some information from Kanpur Office but the respondent refused to accept the application. The CPIO stated that the board displaying the name of the CPIO and the FAA is now put at Firozabad Office. He also informed that the complete list of all CPIOs and FAA’s of the Department is displayed on the income tax website. The appellant pleaded that some compensation should be awarded for the detriment caused to him due to non supply of complete information.
Decision notice:
From the submissions of the appellant it appears that the Income Tax Department at Agra/Firozabad have not made proper arrangement for receipt and processing of RTI applications causing hardship to information seekers. Hence, the respondent is directed to put in place a credible system for disposing of RTI applications in a timely manner to secure proper compliance with the provisions of the RTI Act.
The appellant has not received the complete information. For the detriment caused he deserves to be compensated, therefore in exercise of the powers vested in the CIC under section 19(8)(b) In its decision, the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be, has the power to require the public authority to compensate the complainant for any loss or other detriment suffered; of the RTI Act, we direct the department to compensate him by an amount of Rs. 500/- for the inconvenience and detriment caused to him. Accordingly, the CPIO should ensure that this amount is remitted to the appellant by demand draft/pay order within 30 days from the date of receipt of this order. The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
Information Commissioner
Citation: Mr. Anil Kumar Singhal v. Income Tax Department in File No. CIC/RM/A/2014/000347/BS/8353