CIC: Information as available on record has been provided; Appellant is dissatisfied since the information as downloaded from the website was not accepted by Commissioner of Income Tax - CIC: Approach an appropriate forum for redressal of his grievance
9 Sep, 2019Information sought and background of the case:
The Appellant filed an RTI application dated 29.09.2017, seeking information on measurement of units of land in Delhi, which are as follows:-
1. One bigha land in Delhi is equal to how many square yards.
2. One bigha land in Delhi is equal to how many square meters.
Having not received any response from the PIO, the Appellant filed the First Appeal dated Nil. Dy. Commissioner (Revenue)/FAA vide order dated 27.09.2017 stated that SPIO/SDM-III (HQ) has given point wise information to the Appellant (which is not enclosed in file). FAA upheld the PIO’s reply and disposed off the Appellant’s appeal.
Feeling aggrieved as dissatisfied, the Appellant approached the Commission with the instant Second Appeal.
Facts emerging in Course of Hearing:
Appellant is absent despite notice.
The respondent is present and heard.
The respondent states that the Appellant has already been informed that information sought is available on website. He further states that First Appellate Authority has also disposed the case with the remarks that there are orders of CIC to the effect that if the information is available on the website of the department, the same need not to be provided to the appellant. The appellant is not present to buttress his case.
It is noted from the averments of the respondent that information as available on record have been duly provided to the appellant. The queries as posed in the RTI application have been answered, but the appellant is dissatisfied since the information as downloaded from the website was not accepted by the Commissioner of Income Tax. The remedy for the appellant is to approach an appropriate forum for redressal of his grievance. The Commission observes that the respondent department has furnished the information sought. No point thus arises for any further adjudication on the matter.
The appeal is disposed off.
Y. K. Sinha
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Rajen Manchanda v. PIO, Revenue Department, (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) In Second Appeal No. CIC/REVDP/A/2017/605971, Date of Decision: 14.08.2019