Can one quantify how many RTI First appeals orders are passed favouring the RTI applicant?
2 Oct, 2020Ref: Appellant: instead of transferring his RTI application to the private banks u/s 6(3) of the RTI Act, RBI simply denied the information claiming that the information sought was not held by them; private banks should be under RTI Act - CIC: denial upheld
Comment: Sir,
The PIO mostly misguides the applicant when we go for First appeal the FAA mostly follows the same path as the PIO here we are just wasting another 45 days, can one quantify how many RTI First appeals orders are passed which have helped the applicant to avoid the 2 second appeal?
If the FAA does a good job the load on the 2nd appeal will reduce and the Act could be better as there is no liability of the FAA he does not do much this can be verified thru data and FAA should also be punished or penalized then things could be better...That's my submission
Name: Alex Noronha
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