Appellant sought information pertaining to his pay alleging certain discrepancies - CIC directed to provide an opportunity to the Appellant to inspect relevant documents along with all the note sheets to the averred Pay Recovery order
27 May, 2020Information sought:
The Appellant sought certified copy of recovery order issued by the Principal/DHE regarding fixation of pay in ACP case 04.09.2014, copy of pay fixation ACP case, copy of Earned leave record up to 30.07.2017.
Grounds for the Second Appeal:
The CPIO has not provided the desired information.
Relevant Facts emerging during Hearing:
The following were present:-
Appellant: Present through VC.
Respondent: Vikram Singh, Supdt. & CPIO, Post Graduate Govt. College, Sector – 11, Chandigarh present through VC.
Appellant stated that he is not satisfied with the reply of the CPIO. CPIO submitted that relevant documents as sought in the instant RTI Application have already been provided to the Appellant. He further submitted that subsequent to FAA’s order dated 24.04.2018, Appellant was provided an opportunity of inspection of documents as sought under paras 1 and 2 of the RTI Application, however, he has not availed the same.
Appellant interjected to state that information provided to him pertained to fixation of pay, whereas he sought Pay Recovery order issued by Principal/DHE. He further kept on harping the fact that Respondent Authority without any Pay Recovery order has been arbitrarily recovering Rs.1000/- per month from his monthly pay.
Commission has gone through the case records and on the basis of the proceedings during hearing observes that Appellant is seeking information pertaining to his pay and alleges certain discrepancies with respect to the same. In view of that, Commission directs the CPIO to provide an opportunity to the Appellant to inspect relevant documents as sought under para 1 and 2 of the RTI Application along with all the note sheets/correspondences pertaining to averred Pay Recovery order on a mutually decided date and time duly intimated to the Appellant telephonically and in writing. Copy of documents, if desired, should be provided to the Appellant without charging prescribed fees. Commission’s direction should be complied within 15 days of receipt of this order and a compliance report should be sent to the Commission by CPIO enumerating the details of documents inspected and copy of documents provided to the Appellant. Nonetheless, in light of Appellant’s vehement insistence, Commission directs the CPIO to file a relevant Affidavit subsequent to the aforementioned inspection to this effect stating that all available information sought at paras 1 and 2 in the RTI Application which also includes documents pertaining to relevant Pay Recovery has been made available for inspection. The affidavit should be sent by the CPIO to the Commission with its copy duly endorsed to the Appellant within 15 days from the date of receipt of this order.
The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
Divya Prakash Sinha
Information Commissioner
Citation: Ajit Singh v. Post Graduate Govt. College in File No : CIC/UTOCH/A/2018/152703, Date of Decision : 19/03/2020