Appellant sought copies of certain registered forms relating to the work dealt by the CPIO - FAA: The information sought is not collated at one place; appellant was invited for inspection - CIC: provide the information sought by the appellant
24 Nov, 2015ORDER
RTI application:
1. The appellant filed an RTI application on 21.03.2014 seeking information pertaining to the working/ duties of Central Public Information officers. The CPIO responded on 09.04.2014. The appellant filed first appeal on 02.05.2014 with the first appellate authority (FAA). The FAA responded on 20.05.2014 and invited the appellant for inspection of the record on any working day. The appellant filed a second appeal on 17.06.2014 with the Commission.
2. The appellant and the respondent both participated in the hearing through video conferencing.
3. The appellant referred to his RTI application of 21.03.2014 and stated that he was seeking copies of certain 1, 2, 3 and 6 No. registered forms relating to the work dealt by the Central Public Information officers. The appellant stated that the CPIO on 09.04.2014 provided incomplete and misleading information.
4. The respondent stated that the CPIO on 09.04.2014 already provided the information sought by the appellant. The respondent stated that the information sought is not collated at one place and the appellant was invited for personal inspection on any working day for further clarification.
5. The respondent is directed to provide to the appellant, within 30 days of this order, the information sought in context of the RTI application. The appeal is disposed of. Copy of decision be given free of cost to the parties.
(Vijai Sharma)
Chief Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Girish Prasad Guptav. East Central Railway in Appeal No.CIC/VS/A/2014/001934