Appellant: his son drowned in a pond in Haridasnagar in which 26 children had drowned and he wanted photos of all these children - PIO: the files relating to PS Najafgarh had been shown to appellant - CIC: enable inspection of any remaining files
10 Feb, 2014Appellant: his younger son drowned in a pond in Haridasnagar in which 26 children had drowned and he wanted photos of all these children - PIO: original PS Najafgarh has been bifurcated into PS Najafgarh and PS Haridasnagar and the files relating to PS Najafgarh had been shown to the appellant - CIC: enable the appellant to inspect any remaining files
RTI application
1. The appellant filed a complaint with the PIO on 20.1.2012 complaining against the lack of police action in the matter of his son. On not receiving any reply of the CPIO, the appellant filed an appeal on 6.3.2012 with the first appellate authority (FAA). On receipt of this first appeal, the CPIO responded on 21.5.2013. The appellant approached the Commission on 10.7.2013 in second appeal.
2. The appellant and the respondent both participated in the hearing personally.
3. The appellant referred to his RTI application of 20.1.2012 and stated that his elder son was abducted on 1.2.2005 and since then he has not heard of him, but lately he has come to know about certain circumstances what may had happened to his son. It was in this context that he is seeking some information from Delhi Police.
4. The respondent stated that this matter had earlier been heard by the Commission on 20.5.2013 and the Commission reached a conclusion that the information, as per record, had been provided to the appellant as per RTI Act.
5. The appellant stated that his younger son was drowned in a pond in Haridasnagar on 8.4.2011. The appellant explained that it is not his son only, but about 26 children were reported to be drowned in that pond since 2005 and he wanted photos of all these children.
6. The respondent explained that the reference point of the appellant relates to Baba Haridas Mela which is visited by a large number of people. The respondent informed that there is a pond near the place in which the visiting people take bath and in the event of a casualty, the police, as per due process, takes action under section 174 Cr.PC.
7. The respondent stated that the appellant was facilitated inspection of all the concerned files on 7.8.2013.
8. The appellant stated that only 16 files were shown to him and not all the files.
9. The respondent stated that the original PS Najafgarh has been bifurcated into PS Najafgarh and PS Haridasnagar and the files relating to PS Najafgarh had been shown to the appellant. The other files are with PS, Baba Haridasnagar. The respondent further stated that the case is pending in the court and the next date of hearing has been fixed on 20.2.2014.
Decision 10.
The respondent is directed to enable the appellant, in context of para 9 above, to inspect any remaining files within 30 days of this order. The appeal is disposed of. Copy of the decision be given free of cost to both the parties.
(Vijai Sharma)
Information Commission
Citation: Shri Gyan Prakash v. Delhi Police in Decision No. CIC/SS/C/2013/000414/VS/05892