Appellant complained of poor service in the railway compartments - CIC: Provide the action taken by the Railways on the complaint; the show cause notice issued to the officials responsible for the neglect, their replies & punishment awarded, if any
24 Dec, 2014O R D E R
1. The appellant filed an RTI application on 15-8-2012 seeking information pertaining to the cleanliness of washrooms and non repairing of doors, windows, front side shutter joining any two compartments. The appellant also had questions about the space left open, with the danger of having a fall. The appellant also wanted to know about the final action taken and punishment given to those who were responsible for maintaining safety and were negligent. The CPIO responded on 19-8-2013 and 21-10-2013. The appellant filed a second appeal with the Commission on 1-5-2014.
2. The appellant was present during the hearing.
3. The appellant referred to his RTI application of 15-8-2012 and stated that he has received responses from the Railways dated 25-11-2013 and 2-1-2014. The appellant stated that in these two letters, the responses were evasive in nature. The appellant said that the respondent organization has taken the complaint in a casual manner taking into account the serious deficiencies in the maintenance of the railway compartments and the bath rooms.
4. The appellant stated that he had undertaken a journey from Delhi to Ludhiana on 15-8-2013 and he found the railway compartments in an utter state of neglect and the journey was not only very uncomfortable but reflected very poorly on the railway services. It was, in this light, that he had made a complaint to the respondent organization in which he had given details about the issues. The appellant said that because the railway had not responded properly to his complaint, he had resorted to the RTI route.
5. The appellant stated that against his complaint, he received responses on 19-8-2013, 21-10--2013 and 24-10-2013 from the different offices of the Railways. The appellant pointed out that the letter of 19-8-2013 mentions that the matter has been investigated in detail. The appellant stated that he wanted a copy of that enquiry report.
6. In view of the above, the appellant wants the following information:
(a) the action taken by the Railways on his complaint dated 15-8-2012;
(b) the documentation, i.e., pertaining to the show cause notice, if any, issued to the officials responsible for the neglect;
(c) the replies given by the officials against show cause notices; and
(d) copies of any punishment which may have been awarded by the Railways to ensure maintenance of the railways.
7. The respondent did not participate in the hearing.
8. The respondent is directed to provide information to the appellant on the points mentioned in para 6 above in context of the RTI application within 30 days of this order. Appeal is disposed of. Copy of this order be given free of cost to the parties.
(Vijai Sharma)
Information Commisioner
Citation: Prof. R.L.Agrawal v. Northern Railway in Decision No.CIC/VS/C/2014/000222/08006