Action taken on complaints received about the corruption in distribution of stationery & uniform to EWS students - PIO: no such complaint received - Appellant produced some complaints - CIC: provide the action taken report on the complaints if received
18 Jun, 2015ORDER
2. Appellant through his RTI application sought information with respect to EWS rules followed by Doon Public School, viz, details of school’s selected candidate list along with waiting list, copy of show cause notice issued by DDE for the procedure of EWS, reply of school on show cause notice etc. PIO gave para wise reply. Being unsatisfied with PIO reply, the appellant made First Appeal. First Appellate Authority directed to provide information. In compliance of FAA order CPIO replied on 12.9.2015. Unsatisfied with PIO reply, appellant approached the Commission through the second appeal.
3. Appellant through his RTI application sought details with respect to table made in RTI application, details of selected candidate in EWS category etc. PIO gave point wise reply. Being unsatisfied with PIO reply, the appellant made First Appeal. Having received no order of the FAA, appellant approached the Commission through second appeal.
4. Both the parties made their submissions.
5. The appellant submitted that he has asked for the list of students admitted under the EWS category with all their personal details. But the respondent authority replied that the appellant has been supplied with all the information that is permissible under the RTI Act and the personal information relating to the students has not been provided. When the Commission asked the appellant whether he had got the information as told by the respondent authority, the appellant replied that he is not satisfied with that information. He further stated that the people who are given admission under EWS category, are being asked by the school to pay donations and he also alleged that lot of stationery and uniform meant for free distribution to the EWS students is not being accounted of by the school. He further submitted that he wanted details of complaints received by the school in this respect. The representative of the school denied that there were any complaints received by the school. Upon this reply by the respondent school, the appellant brought some papers and showed the same to the Commission stating that that these are the complaints received about the corruption in free distribution of stationery and uniform to the EWS students. Having heard the submissions and having perused the papers shown by both the parties, the Commission directs the respondent/school to provide action taken report on the complaints received if any by the school to the appellant within 15 days from the date of receipt of this order. The appeal is accordingly disposed of.
6. The respondent officer for Zone15, alleged that the appellant is in the habit of demanding her to recommend the names of the students given by him for admission under the EWS category, which the officer refused saying that the EWS students are selected by draw of lots by the schools. Upon this reply by the officer, the appellant threatened her saying that “My dekhunga, my kuch karunga”. The officer also submitted that the appellant is not having any public interest behind his RTI applications. On the other hand the appellant had denied all the allegations made by the officer and further stated that he is heading an NGO under the title “Corruption & Crime Reforms Organisation” and all his activities are for public interest.
7. The Commission having heard the submissions and perused the record directed the PIO/Education, West B District to provide pointwise revised information to the appellant within 15 days from the date of receipt of this order. The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
(M Sridhar Acharyulu)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Mahipal Sanwaria v. Dte of Education (WestA)(WestB) in Case No.CIC/SA/A/2014/001887, CIC/SA/A/2014/001888