What to do if no valid address or contact number has been given by the RTI applicant?
2 Nov, 2020Ref: RTI application and first appeal was filed at an incorrect address - No reply was received - CIC: it is possible that the RTI application may not have been received by the appropriate officer; The appellant is advised to use the correct address
Respected sir
My question is regarding to applicant. If there is no valid address or contact number shown by the RTI applicant, in that situation what we do? Or as such types of name or applicant does not found in that mentioned address? Should we make reply to such kind of applicant or not? Please guide me
Name: Navodit
My dear PIO,
If there is no address / e-mail id on the RTI Application, there is possibility nothing one can do other than confirming that there is nothing in the RTI Application to contact the RTI Applicant.
In case of incomplete address, the best way would be to send the reply / letter asking for further fee through speed post / registered post. If the letter is returned back by the postal authorities, the PIO can justifiably claim that he had tried to contact the RTI Applicant at the address provided by the RTI applicant.