Using RTI for fraud committed by a Gas Agency
2 Jun, 2012Background
The appellant had lodged a complaint with Chief Vigilance Officer, HPCL, regarding fraudulent activities of a gas agency. Later he filed an application under RTI seeking to know if an enquiry was conducted into the complaint and the action taken thereon. The Public Information Officer (PIO) responded that the said gas agency was found to be indulging in certain irregularities consequent upon which a fine of Rs. 46,000/- had been imposed on it. He also informed the applicant that about 700 gas connections, issued by the said agency were found to be fake and further enquiry was being conducted into the matter. During the hearing the appellant submitted that he wanted to have a copy of the enquiry report so that he could take up the matter with CVC.
View of CIC
The Central Information Commission (CIC) noted that this was clearly a case of corruption and malfeasance and directed the PIO to obtain a copy of the enquiry report from any office of the HPCL where it is being held under section 5 (4) of the RTI Act and furnish it to the appellant.
Citation: Phool Singh v. HPCL in File No.CIC/LS/A/2011/003705