Status of the application of appellant’s daughter under Ladli scheme was sought - Respondent: appellant works as a tout and forges documents for undeserving candidates - CIC: proceed as per law if there is any prima facie evidence against the appellant
25 Jan, 2015Facts
Heard on 5.12.14. Appellant present. Respondent is represented by Dr.Nisha Agarwal.
2. The appellant has filled RTI application on 20.9.2013 for seeking four point information with regard to Ladli Yojna Branch of WCD, Viz. Name, address and phone no of branch concerned with Ladli yojna and detail of all workers there; name and address of all PIO and FAO appointed in Ladli yojna branch etc. CPIO on 3.10.2013 has provided the information on point no. 1 & 2; asked for inspection on point no. 3 and transfer the application on point no.4. Being unsatisfied with the CPIO reply, the appellant made first appeal on 30.10.2013. FAA vide order dt … asked appellant for inspection. Being aggrieved by the FAA order, the appellant made second appeal before the Commission.
3. During the hearing, the Commission received a letter dt.5.12.14 from Dr.Nisha Agarwal, the details of which are given below:
It is submitted that applicant has not provided the copy of the appeal to the undersigned. However, it has been gathered that he wants to know the status of the application of his daughter Priyanka Garg under Ladli scheme. Presently as per scheme her account has 12273.1 Rupees which will be again renewed once she passes class 10th and takes admission in class 12. After completing the age of 18 the money will be remitted to her account. It is further submitted that he had filed application in PGC also on the same issue and had been given a satisfactory reply. Reasons for appealing for the same information at different platforms may only be attributed to his intentions to abuse the system, and bully the concerned officers. It has come to light after consistent efforts that he works as a tout in the community and by forging the requisite documents he enables the undeserving candidates to get pensionary benefits and gets financial gratification in return. If the case submitted by him is rejected by the competent authority he files applications under RTI and PGC. He has the audacity to do that on the basis of forged papers. The same is substantiated as under:
Case I
In case of Rakesh, his voters I Card has been forged to prove 5 years residence. Same has been verified from the website of Election Commission
Case II
The Department caught the incidents of forgery by Shri Vijay Garg even as early as in 2009. Four applications submitted in his hand writing had forged documents. The documents were got verified from AERO concerned and the Food and Supply officers and found to be forged. Till then there was no way to establish legally that Shri Vijay Kumar Garg had forged the papers through his hand writing was very much visible from naked eye. The FIR could not be lodged against the applicants as their cases were rejected hence there was no commission of crime.
Case III
Case of Kamlesh Two forms were received. One for NFBS and another for Widow’s Daughter marriage. In total three voters I Cards were submitted and all three were forged. Same was confirmed from the AERO Nangloi. Even her signatures were forged by Shri Vijay Kumar Garg on the Affidavit. While investigation following facts were revealed:
She paid Rs.1000/- to Shri Vijay Kumar Garg Forensic report that the writing of forged signature is matching with other samples i.e. letters written by Vijay Kumar Garg It is also submitted that Shri Vijay Kumar Garg uses very abusive and derogatory language against officers/officials concerned. Hence: (Prayer: In the light of above submissions it is requested that Shri Vijay Kumar Garg should be warned against using unparliamentary language while dealing with the Government officers. He should be barred from seeking third party information under RTI Act.
Sd/Dr.Nisha Agrawal
District Officer(West)
4. The Commission observes that if the respondent authority finds any prima facie evidence about the allegations against the appellant, they may proceed as per law. As far as the RTI request is concerned, sufficient information was given for points 1 and 2 and Appellant was also informed that as per the Scheme, the money in his daughter’s account will be remitted once his daughter attains the age of eighteen.
5. The Commission is satisfied with the information furnished and accordingly the case is closed at the Commission’s end.
(M. Sridhar Acharyulu)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Vijay Kumar Garg v. Department of Women and Child Development, GNCTD in Case No. CIC/SA/A/2014/000366