RTI reply was not delivered as the person was not present at the said address
20 Oct, 2021Ref: What to do if somebody is asking information with fake address?
One applicant sought certain information. All the information was sent by registered post to the address given in the RTI Application. But, it was not delivered as the person is not at the said address or door lock or the address is fake. The registered post was returned to the sender.
What is the next action to be taken in the matter? Whether to disclose the file? Please clarify
Name: M Nagendra Kumar
Email id: nk.maruwada@gmail.com
To whom do you wish to disclose the file? When there is no address to provide the information there is little that can be done. You have already played the role expected from you by sending the information at the address given by the applicant.
Keep the postal records in case the applicant goes in appeal and claims that no reply was provided.