RTI Act is a toothless weapon and useless if information is in connection with a work/Service
25 Mar, 2015
Ref: The spread, implementation and monitoring of RTI Act has some weaknesses http://www.rtifoundationofindia.com/spread-implementation-and-monitoring...
Comment: A lot of things are talked about only information given by RTI Act, 2005. But the strong application of RTI Act ,2005 only weakens the citizen if the Information provided to him does not result in the connected/required Service demanded by him. In many papers about the act, things are there only to talk about getting information (by the citizen) or providing information (by the PIO or Appellate Authority or Second Appellate Authority (CIC or SIC for Centre or State); main aspect of the Act i.e., the Service or the end product of the Information is not guaranteed. That is, say, for example One PIO of a Department gives an information that some service will be provided before the end of 31st March 2015 but this service is not provided to the citizen by the Department of the PIO within that date (namely 31st March 2015). The Information has been given by the Officer (PIO) within the stipulated period (Say 30 days), but the service is not provided. Whether the PIO is held responsible for the failure of the Department for not providing the service? Or whether can he be penalised or any action taken by CIC or SIC that he gave some wrong information? If this point is not clarified, then the the RTI ACT is only a toothless weapon and useless for the citizen who is asking for some information in connection with a work/Service. Can anybody clarify this point?
Name: N.Mahadevan Pillai
Email id: nmpillai49@gmail.com
RTI Act, 2005 enables a citizen to obtain information, the grievance redressal has to be taken up through other laws.