Reasons for turning down the proposal for publication of an epic on ICAR
3 Mar, 2012Background
The appellant sought information regarding the status of his proposal for publication of an epic on the ICAR and the decision taken. He alleged that his manuscript consisting of Shlokas has not been returned to him. The Public Information Officer (PIO) and the First Appellate Authority (FAA) informed the appellant that as per the established procedure, his proposal for an epic on ICAR has been examined by the two member Advisory Committee and on the basis of their recommendation, his proposal has not been accepted as it does not fall under the purview of ICAR publication policy. It was clarified that no manuscript containing 1000 shlokas has ever been received by the respondents; they had only received a synopsis of the proposal which has duly been returned to him.
View of the CIC
The Central Information Commission observed that being aggrieved by the rejection of his proposal, the appellant has sought reasons and justifications for the decision from the respondent. Noting that the appellant has already informed that the Advisory Committee members have not recommended publication of the epic as it does not fall under the purview of ICAR publication policy, the Commission held that the reasons for non-acceptance of the proposal have been communicated to the appellant. The Commission held that complete requisite information has been provided to the appellant and the respondent are not obliged to provide any further information in the form of reasons and justifications for their decision.
Citation: Shri Akash Dwivedi v. Indian Council of Agricultural Research in file no. CIC/SS/A/2011/001723
RTI Citation : RTIFI/2012/CIC/120
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