PIO submitted that retired CMO Dr. Niwas Vyas has so far filed more than 200 RTI applications against Mr. Sunil Kumar; Appellant also approached to the CIC 05 times & CIC had declared him as abuser of RTI - CIC: Appeal rejected being repetitive
31 Aug, 2015Parties Present:
1. Appellant is not present. Mrs. Kiran and Dr. B. S. Hiremath, PIO represent Public authority.
2. Appellant, Dr. Shri Niwas Vyas Retired CMO, NFSG, MCD through his RTI application sought for action taken report on the letter dated 30.4.2013 & 1.5.2013, whether PMS/HOD enquire about Sunil Kumar, how long he remained in jail, what information has been sought by Tibbia College from central jail no. 6 about Sunil Kumar etc. Having received no reply, appellant filed first appeal. In the first appeal the authority mentioned in his order that applicant was a regular compulsive applicant and has submitted more than 150 RTI applications, leading to wastage of government time and efforts. As there was no direction to provide information, the PIO mentioned cited above comment in his letter to appellant. Then appellant approached this Commission.
Proceedings Before the Commission:
3. PIO submitted that retired CMO Dr. Shri Niwas Vyas has so far filed more than 200 RTI applications against Mr. Sunil Kumar Vyas. Appellant also approached to the CIC 05 times and CIC had declared him as abuser of RTI. As a repetitive application and repetitive appeal, it is rejected.
(M. Sridhar Acharyulu)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Niwas Vyas v. A & U Tibbia College and Hospital in Case No. CIC/SA/A/2015/000500