Passenger manifest of the chartered plane of non-schedule flights of Mumbai airport was denied u/s 8 (1)(j) - CIC: information sought is personal in nature; appellant has failed to establish any larger public interest for disclosure; appeal dismissed
21 Jul, 2015ORDER
Information sought:
The appellant sought details of chartered plane/general aviation of non-schedule flights of Mumbai airport within India, which have taken off since January1, 2001 along with revenue earned and passenger manifest of the same. Relevant facts emerging during hearing: The appellant is not present while the respondent is present and heard. The appellant filed an RTI application dated 16.09.2013, seeking the above information. CPIO, AAI vide replies dated 23.10.2013 & 08.11.2013 provided the information to the appellant. FAA vide order dated 09.01.2014 upheld the stand of CPIO to deny the information regarding passenger manifest. Being not satisfied with response of the public authority, the appellant filed present appeal before the Commission. The respondent stated that information w.r.t. point nos. 1 & 2 has already been provided to the appellant and information on point no. 3 has been denied to him by invoking exemption u/s 8 (1)(j) of the RTI act as the same is personal in nature. As the appellant is not present, his views could not be ascertained.
After hearing the respondent and on perusal of record, the Commission concurs with the stand of the public authority as the passenger manifest is personal information in nature and appellant has failed to establish any larger public interest for disclosure of the same. No further action is required in this matter. The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
(Yashovardhan Azad)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Md. Hizbullah v. Airports Authority of India (AAI) in F.No. CIC/YA/A/2014/001884