Vijai Sharma and K V Chowdary appointed as CIC and CVC respectively
June 9, 2015
No announcement made regarding vacant posts of information commissioners more>>
Is the Mysore Police Commissioner’s office coming up without plan approval?
June 7, 2015
RTI reveals no building plan approval taken from the corporation more>>
No action taken against the illegal massage parlours or spas in Goa
June 6, 2015
91 spas and 2 massage parlours are registered with the Directorate of Health Services more>>
Are there norms about the fee a school should charge and the facilities it offers?
June 5, 2015
A student removed from the school as his father filed an RTI application more>>
There is only 1 primary health centre per 28 villages of UP
June 4, 2015
Just one primary health centre to cater to the health problems of 44,597 persons more>>
Services of all OSDs / Consultants terminated by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
June 3, 2015
Rs. 1.7 Crore was spent on 40 consultants in last five years more>>