Inspection & certified copies of medical fitness certificates, posting letters, service books and personal files etc. of seven employees - Appellant: since all the information provided, he has nothing pending with the respondent - CIC: appeal disposed
8 Mar, 2014O R D E R
RTI application
1. The appellant filed an RTI application with the PIO on 18.1.2012 seeking inspection and certified copies of medical fitness certificates, posting letters, service books and personal files etc. of seven employees. The PIO invited the appellant on 2.2.2012 to visit his office for inspection of these records on any working day.
2. On not getting inspection of documents in respect of 6 employees despite numerous visits to the office of CPIO, the appellant filed his first appeal on 13.3.2012 with the first appellate authority (FAA). No reply of the FAA is available on the file. The appellant approached the Commission on 10.10.2012 in second appeal.
3. The appellant and the respondent both participated in the hearing through video conferencing.
4. The appellant referred to his RTI application of 18.1.2012 and stated that he had sought inspection and certified copies of medical fitness certificates, posting letters, service books and personal files of seven co-employees.
5. The appellant stated that he has since got all the information sought in the RTI application from the respondent and that he has nothing pending with the respondent.
6. No intervention of the Commission is required in the matter. The appeal is disposed of. Copy of the decision be given free of cost to both the parties.
(Vijai Sharma)
Information Commission
Citation: Shri Saidur Rahman v. Northern Railway in Decision No. CIC/AD/A/2012/002966/VS/05998