Information relating to processing of medical bills and copy of bills passed - CIC directed to provide the appellant copy of notesheet/order-sheet vide which the medical bills of the appellant has been processed along with copies of his bills passed
9 Aug, 2020O R D E R
1. The instant matter was earlier listed for hearing on 06.05.2020 where the appellant had sought adjournment in the matter due to non-availability of relevant documents.
2. The matter is listed today for further hearing.
3. The appellant attended the hearing through audio-call. The respondent could not participate in the hearing and is exempted on account of CIC circular No. CIC/Legal/Corona/2020/32 dated 16.03.2020. However, efforts were made to contact the respondent on his telephone number but the number was not reachable.
4. The appellant submitted that complete information has not been provided to him by the respondent on his RTI application dated 28.05.2018. The appellant further stated that information related to processing of his medical bills and copy of bills passed should be provided to him.
5. The Commission, after hearing the submissions of the appellant and after perusal of records, observes that complete information has not been provided to the appellant on his RTI application dated 28.05.2018 by the respondent. The Commission further observed the point-wise response given by the respondent vide letter dated 26.09.2018 where the respondent has informed the appellant that copy of circulars as sought by the appellant in his RTI application is duly available on their official website. But, the appellant is aggrieved that copy of his bills passed and processing of his bills should also be provided to him. In view of this, the Commission directs the respondent to provide the appellant copy of notesheet/order-sheet vide which the medical bills of the appellant has been processed along with copies of his bills passed, free of cost, within a period of 15 working days from the date of receipt of this order.
6. With the above observations, the appeal is disposed of.
7. Copy of the decision be provided free of cost to the parties.
Neeraj Kumar Gupta
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shiba Prasad Bhattacharjee v. Food Corporation of India in Second Appeal No. CIC/FCIND/A/2018/154525, Date 06.07.2020