Information regarding vehicles plying without any registration number plate & displaying only State Emblem of India - CIC: enquire into the matter & collect the data of such vehicles; find the persons responsible for this, initiate action against them
30 Apr, 2014Information regarding vehicles plying without any registration number plate & only display State Emblem of India - PIO: they do not have jurisdiction over the car dealers located outside Delhi, vehicles for Govt. of India are purchased through Dte. General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D), which is having dealers outside Delhi - CIC: enquire into the matter and collect the data of such vehicles, find the persons responsible for this, initiate action against the persons responsible and furnish this information to the appellant
1. The appellant submitted that he has not been supplied with all the information sought by him through his RTI application dt.3172012 regarding some vehicles which are plying in Delhi without any registration number plate, mostly belonging to President of India and Governors of States, etc. which only display State Emblem of India. The appellant also submitted that even though FAA by his order dt. 7112012 has ordered the PIO to furnish the complete information, the respondent/PIO has not complied with the same so far. He has, therefore, appealed before this Commission on the grounds mentioned in his 2nd appeal dt. 13122012.
2. The respondent/PIO submitted that all the information sought by the appellant has been furnished and the FAA order dt. 7112012 has been complied with. The Respondent further submitted that it is mandatory for every vehicle to get registration number. No exception is available in the Motor Vehicles Act in this regard. The respondent also submitted that there is no data of unregistered vehicles available with them. It is for the Enforcement Agency/Delhi Traffic Police to seize those unregistered vehicles under Section 207(1) of the M.V. Act. All the car dealers in Delhi release the vehicles only after applying for the registration number. The respondent authority has no jurisdiction over the car dealers located outside Delhi. The vehicles for Govt. of India are purchased through Dte. General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D), which is having dealers outside Delhi.
3. Having heard the submissions made by the appellant and the public authority at length, this Commission directs the respondent authority to enquire into this matter and collect the data of such vehicles which are plying in Delhi without the registration number, find the persons responsible for this, initiate action against the persons responsible and furnish this information to the appellant under intimation to the Commission within one month from the date of receipt of this order.
(M. Sridhar Acharyulu)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Mr.Rakesh Agrawal v. Transport Deptt in File No.CIC/AD/A/2013/000100SA