Information regarding outsourcing rotation of workmen in sensitive areas and their pay revision - CIC: The relief sought is in the form of an assurance from the PIO on a futuristic subject concerning settlement of pay revision of workmen; No action needed
31 Aug, 2020Information sought:
The Complainant sought information sought information through 5 points regarding outsourcing rotation of workmen in sensitive areas and their pay revision.
Grounds for the Complaint:
The CPIO has not provided the desired information.
Relevant Facts emerging during Hearing:
Complainant: Present through VC.
Respondent: Maj. Srihari, DGM(Security) & CPIO, HAL, Bangaluru and Ravindra Kumar, AGM (Rotable) & CPIO, HAL, Nashik present through VC.
Complainant stated that he is not satisfied with the reply of CPIO as he has been provided with incomplete information.
Commission remarked upon perusal of facts on record that the grounds of Complaint are rather incomprehensible and asked the Complainant to clarify the same and state the relief he seeks at this stage. Complainant states that the information provided to him pertain to settlement of pay revision of Workmen of the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd for the past 15 years, however he desires to know the status of the same for upcoming 15 years which has not been provided by the CPIO.
CPIO submitted that information as available on the record has been provided to the Complainant by their office as well as HAL Aircraft Overhaul Division, Nashik to whom the RTI Application was transferred for some of the queries.
Commission based on the proceedings during hearing observes that the relief sought by the Complainant is merely in the form of an assurance from the CPIO on a futuristic subject concerning settlement of pay revision of workmen. The same is outside the purview of RTI Act and does not warrant adjudication by the Commission.
With the above observations, Complaint is dismissed.
Divya Prakash Sinha
Information Commissioner
Citation: Dinesh L Wagh v. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. In File No: CIC/HALTD/C/2018/633702, Date of Decision: 20/07/2020