Information pertaining to complaint lodged by SAMEER Employees’ Association against the Ex-Director - CIC: PIO, Min. of Electronics and Information Technology to collect the information from SAMEER regarding the further action taken and provide it
5 Feb, 2020Information Sought:
The appellant has sought the following information pertaining to complaint lodged by SAMEER Employees’ Association vide letter No. SEA/CVC/15-16 dated 06/05/2015 against Dr. A L Das, Ex-Director, SAMEER:
1. Action taken report on the said complaint.
2. Copies of correspondence between CVC, Department of Electronics and Information Technology and SAMEER on the above complaint.
3. Copies of all relevant investigation reports in this regard.
4. And other related information.
Grounds for Second Appeal
The CPIO did not provide the desired information.
Submissions made by Appellant and Respondent during Hearing:
The appellant submitted that she is not satisfied with the reply of the CPIO as the desired information was not provided to her, particularly the formal closure report and the copies of correspondence between CVC and SAMEER on the above complaint.
The CPIO submitted that the available information was provided to the appellant on 06.12.2018 and 19.12.2018 and there is no formal closure report.
From a perusal of the relevant case records, it is noted that whatever information could be shared with the appellant that was provided to the appellant on 06.12.2018 and 19.12.2018. During the hearing the appellant submitted that the final closure report was not given to her. At this point, the CPIO clarified that there is no formal closure Report as according to them, the complaint had no vigilance angle in it and hence a letter dated 24.06.2015 was addressed to the CVO, SAMEER to examine the complaint from its administrative side.
On a query by the Commission whether any action was taken thereafter by the SAMEER, the CPIO submitted that they are not aware of the same. Under such circumstances, the CPIO, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is directed to collect information from SAMEER regarding the further action taken by them on the letter dated 24.06.2015 and provide a reply to the appellant.
With regard to pint no. 2, the reply given by the CPIO is proper.
In view of the above observations, the CPIO is directed to seek assistance from the CPIO, SAMEER on point no.1 of the RTI application i.e. the action taken by SAMEER on the letter dated 24.06.2015 and provide the same to the appellant within a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of this order under intimation to the Commission.
The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
Vanaja N. Sarna
Information Commissioner
Citation: M Sridhar v. Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology in Decision no.: CIC/NIELT/A/2019/107225/02696, Date of Decision: 23/01/2020