Information pertaining to available laws for safeguard of men facing harassment from their spouse was sought - Respondent: Information sought was not specific - PIO: the appellant was owner of some NGO dealing with such issues - CIC: Appeal is disposed
1 Nov, 2015ORDER
RTI application:
1. The appellant filed an RTI application on 26.09.2013 seeking some information pertaining to available laws for safeguard of men who are facing harassment from their spouse. The CPIO responded on 10.10.2013.The appellant filed first appeal on 15.10.2013 with the first appellate authority (FAA). The FAA responded on 31.10.2013.The appellant filed a second appeal on 05.12.2013 with the Commission.
2. The appellant was not present and the respondent participated in the hearing personally.
4. The respondent stated that the information sought by the appellant was not specific and it was pertaining to information on enquiry of available legal safeguards for husbands against harassment. The respondent stated by way of a background that the appellant was owner of some NGO dealing with such issues and needed information for this purpose .The respondent said that the RTI application was responded to on 10.10.2013.
5. The action of the respondent is in conformity with RTI Act. No intervention is needed at the level of the Commission in this matter. The appeal is disposed of. Copy of decision be given free of cost to the parties.
(Vijai Sharma)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Vijay Kumar Garg v. Assistant Commissioner of Police in Decision No.CIC/VS/A/2014/000210/10186