Information in context of the dowry death of his daughter - CIC: action taken on the representation detailing the 12 calls which the appellant stated were relevant for investigation; the reason why a reference was made to the National Commission for Women
7 Mar, 2014O R D E R
1. The appellant filed an RTI application on 26-7-2012 seeking information about an FIR No. 233/12 dated 7-5-2012.
2. The CPIO responded on 24-8-2012 and requested the appellant to deposit a sum of Rs. 14/ and collect the information. The appellant filed an appeal with the first appellate authority (FAA) on 13-9-2012. The FAA responded on 12-10-2012 and directed the CPIO to provide the information to the appellant. The CPIO provided the information on 9-1-2013 to the appellant. The appellant approached the Commission on 9-4-2013 in a second appeal.
3. I heard the appellant through videoconferencing. The respondent was present personally in the hearing.
4. The appellant referred to his RTI application of 26-7-2012 in which he made a reference to his representations of 7-6-2012, 18-6-2012 and 12-7-2012 and stated that the information that he was seeking was in context of the dowry death of his daughter in May 2012. The appellant stated that the response that he had got from the police was casual. The appellant stated that the respondent gave him certain documents that did not have any relevance to the questions that he had posed.
5. The respondent stated that the application of 18-6-2012, referred to in the RTI application of 26-7-2012, was investigated following which the accused was also arrested, and that the matter is pending trial after charge sheet as per judicial process, etc. The respondent stated that the RTI application was responded to on 24-8-2012 following which the FAA had also responded.
6. The respondent stated that the file pertaining to the police investigation is not available with the police station and that is available in the court as a part of the prosecution process.
7. The appellant stated that his focus in this hearing is on his representation made to the police station dated 18-6-2012 in which he had detailed 12 phone calls which he felt were relevant to the case being investigated by the police.
8. What emerged from the hearing is that the respondent will provide information to the appellant on the following:
(a) the action taken by the respondent on the representation dated 18-6-2012 detailing the 12 calls which the appellant stated were relevant to the course of the investigation; and
(b) the reason why the respondent made a reference to the National Commission for Women in the letter dated 24-8-2012 addressed to the appellant.
9. The respondent is directed to provide to the appellant, within 30 days of this order, the information sought in para 8 above in context of the RTI application. Appeal is disposed of. Copy of this order be given free of cost to the parties.
(Vijai Sharma)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Satbir Singh v. Delhi Police in Decision No.CIC/SS/A/2013/001276/VS/05935