Implementation of CIC Order - CIC: The PIO to provide a revised reply to the RTI Application incorporating the remaining pages of the file noting(s) - CIC: As regards the legibility of the averred document, PIO will resend another copy to the Appellant
3 Sep, 2021Information sought:
The Appellant filed an online RTI application dated 03.07.2019 seeking the following information:
“provide the following information on the implementation of the orders of the Central Information commission CIC/CC/C/2015/000182 date of decision 16/03/2015 sent to your office for taking appropriate action. para 71(d)
1- Copy of the orders issued regarding the Commissions s order as cited in the subject by your department.
2- 2-Copy of the file noting and minute sheets from the date of receipt of Commission s orders for addressing the legal gaps and issues that have come to light during the hearings including those mentioned in para 68(7) of the CIC orders with a view to ensuring compliance of the CIC orders.”
Having received an unsatisfactory reply dated 12.07.2019 from the CPIO (copy of which was not enclosed with the Appeal), the appellant filed a First Appeal dated 17.07.2019. FAA’s order dated 13.08.2019 upheld the CPIO’s reply.
Feeling aggrieved and dissatisfied, appellant approached the Commission with the instant Second Appeal.
Relevant Facts emerging during Hearing:
The following were present:-
Appellant: Present through audio conference.
Respondent: Pawan Kumar, US (IR-II) & CPIO present through audio conference.
The Appellant stated that the file noting(s) provided to him were not complete as Page Nos.1-10 and 15 onwards was included therein and page of 23.09.2015 is not legible.
The CPIO narrated the factual context of the information sought for in the RTI Application to submit that the relevant documents were provided to the Appellant but in view of the insistence of the Appellant, he agreed to revisit the records and provide the additional information. As regards the legibility of the averred document, the CPIO submitted that the legibility of the original document was reflected in the copy that was provided, yet he will resend another copy of the same to the Appellant.
The Commission based on the proceedings during the hearing directs the CPIO to provide a revised reply to the RTI Application incorporating the remaining pages of the file noting(s) as requested for by the Appellant. The CPIO is further directed to resend a legible copy of the document dated 23.09.2015 to the Appellant. The said information shall be provided free of cost to the Appellant within 15 days from the date of receipt of this order under due intimation to the Commission.
The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
Saroj Punhani
Information Commissioner
Citation: Yash Paul Manvi v. Department of Personnel & Training in File No: CIC/DOP&T/A/2019/651637, Date of Decision: 01/06/2021