I read you article about the the Ministry of I&B giving directions to remove the scroll
7 May, 2012I read you article about the the Ministry of I&B giving directions to remove the scroll. The number of children imitating the hero on screen for a cool feeling is very high and out of these, some become an addict. Instead of welcoming and strengthening the order of a moving scroll on the movies, the order of its removal is unfortunate. I would like to point out the detailed studies done on this count by WHO - http://www.who.int/tobacco/en/
One may also refer to http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/CancerCauses/TobaccoCancer/CigaretteSmoking/cigarette-smoking-toc to be informed of the effect of smoking. Let us hope that better sense would prevail and health interests would override commercial interest.
Dr. SK Mishra