Guidelines under which the felicitation of the pensioners was done in a bank and whether similar felicitation was done by other branches - CIC: respondent is directed to procure the information and provide it to the appellant within 30 days of the order
30 Jan, 2014O R D E R
1. The appellant filed an RTI application on 18-8-2012 seeking information about pensioners who were felicitated in a get together ceremony and other related issues.
2. The CPIO responded on 3-10-2012, providing information to the appellant. The appellant filed an appeal with the first appellate authority (FAA) on 3-10-2012. The FAA responded on 29-10-2012 and directed the CPIO to resend the response of 3-10-2012 to the appellant. The appellant approached the Commission on 7-1-2013 in a second appeal.
3. I heard both the parties through videoconferencing. The appellant referred to his RTI application of 18-8-2012 and stated that information on point one has been provided but the information on points 2, 3 and 4 has not been provided by the respondent. The appellant stated that he wants to know the guidelines or the policy under which the felicitation of the pensioners is being done. The appellant stated that the background of the matter is that certain pensioners were being felicitated in a programme in which a lot of money was being spent. The appellant further stated that the same felicitation was not being done in other branches of the bank. It was in this context that he wanted the information sought.
4. The appellant said that he has been given part information but information on the following two points has not been given:
(a) the guidelines or policy under which the felicitation of pensioners is being done; and
(b) whether the same felicitation is being done in the branches other than the branches mentioned in the RTI application.
5. The respondent stated that he is new in the present assignment and that his impression is that the information has to be procured from other offices.
6. The appellant stated that under the RTI Act, it is the duty of the respondent to procure the information being sought and in this particular case, it should be provided to him.
7. The respondent is directed to procure the information in para 4 above and provide it to the appellant within 30 days of this order. Appeal is disposed of. Copy of this order be given free of cost to the parties.
(Vijai Sharma)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri Girish Prasad Gupta v. State Bank of India in Decision No.CIC/VS/A/2013/000380/05731