Enrollment number & roll number of a student who was enrolled for the BA course in the year 1993 was denied claiming that it is very difficult to manually search for the old record - CIC: Search the relevant record & provide the information
12 Nov, 2015Facts:
2. The Appellant by his RTI application had sought enrollment number and roll number of one Miss Dimple Choudhary, who is stated to be his client, enrolled for the BA (Pass) course in the year 1993 and passed 3rd year in 1995. CPIO replied on 30.12.2014 wherein he returned the RTI application stating that IPO was not properly marked. Being unsatisfied, appellant made first appeal and thereafter, approached the Commission in second appeal.
3. The appellant made his submissions. The Public Authority is not present. The appellant submitted that he is seeking the details of enrollment number and the roll number of his client, Miss Dimple Choudhary, who had passed BA(Pass) from the respondent university in 1995, as her degree certificates were snatched and destroyed by her stepmother. But the respondent authority was telling him that the details of examinations and the details of the candidates, who had passed in the same, have been computerized only from 2006 onwards. As the year of passing of Ms. Dimple Choudhary is 1995, it is very difficult to manually search for the old record.
4. The Commission having heard the submissions and perused the record, directs the respondent authority to search for the relevant record, on the basis of the details provided by the appellant, and furnish the information along with the duplicate certificates, on payment of costs, within 30 days from the date of receipt of this order. The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
(M. Sridhar Acharyulu)
Information Commissioner
Citation: Anil Kumar Punjani v. University of Delhi in Case No. CIC/SA/A/2015/000950