Enquiry into missing report in the Ministry of Tourism
29 Apr, 2012Background
The appellant wanted an authenticated photocopy along with the file noting regarding the Project Report for Development of Ayurvedic Health Resort and Herbal Garden at Vagamon, submitted by the Department of Tourism, Kerala to the Ministry of Tourism (MOT), New Delhi. The Public Information Officer (PIO) replied that the mentioned project has not been received in the MOT, hence the copy cannot be provided. The appellant filed an appeal before the First Appellate Authority (FAA) where he produced the cover page of the Project Report with the noting initials claiming that the Report was received in MOT. The FAA directed the PIO to make a thorough search for the said project report and records pertaining to its receipt and movement in the Ministry. The FAA also directed that if the report is traced, its authenticated copy should be supplied and if the report is not traceable, but records are found which confirm that the report was received in the MOT, a report may be lodged with Police regarding the missing documents under intimation to the appellant.
View of CIC
The respondent stated that though a thorough search for the said project reports and records pertaining to its receipt and movement were made it could not be found anywhere. The appellant produced a photocopy of the report purportedly sent by the Kerala Tourism before the Central Information Commission (CIC) containing about 144 pages with the signatures of Joint Secretary and Director of MOT. The Commission observed that this could be either a matter where the PIO or some other officer is hiding the information or a matter in which the report being submitted is forged. Hence, the Commission directed the Secretary, Ministry of Tourism to inquire into the matter and send a report to the appellant treating the copy of the report given by the appellant as evidence in the inquiry.
Citation: Mr. Vishwas Bhamburkar v. Ministry of Tourism in Decision No. CIC/SG/A/2012/000607/18434
RTI Citation : RTIFI/2013/CIC/240
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