Details in regards to selection of Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) were not furnished - Respondent: Information could not be furnished as the recruitment process was on-going at that time - CIC: Since it has attained finality, information can be provided
22 May, 2024
Information sought and background of the case:
The Appellant filed an RTI application dated 07.09.2022 seeking information on the following points:-
Kindly provide the following details in regards to selection of Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) vide advertisement number 02/2022.
1) Application cum registration form submitted by me along with all the attached documents. (Registration number-807822)
2) Total number of candidates selected as GET in Control and Instrumentation discipline.
3) Number of candidates belonging to General and OBC(NCL) categories selected as GET in Control and Instrumentation discipline.
4) The cutoff marks in GATE 2022 exam for shortlisting of candidates for selection as GET in General and OBC (NCL) category of Control and Instrumentation discipline.”
The CPIO, NLC India Ltd., Tamil Nadu vide letter dated 24.09.2022 replied as under:-
“Information Provided: 01:As per Sl.No. 12.9 of Detailed Advt. No. 02/2022, After submitting applications through ONLINE, candidates should take a print out of registration cum application form and produce it along with self-attested copies of certificates/documents, at the time of document verification. Hence the registration cum application form & attached documents are in the possession of the information seeker.
Information Provided: 02 to 04:-Recruitment of GETS using GATE Score in various disciplines (Advt. No.02/2022) is under process. Hence information sought could not be provided at this juncture.”
Dissatisfied with the response received from the CPIO, the Appellant filed a First Appeal dated 09.10.2022. The FAA vide order dated 15.10.2022 upheld the reply of CPIO.
Aggrieved and dissatisfied, the Appellant approached the Commission with the instant Second Appeal.
Facts emerging in Course of Hearing:
A written submission dated 23.02.2024 has been received from CPIO reiterating that information available on record with the public authority had been duly furnished to the Appellant.
Hearing was scheduled after giving prior notice to both the parties.
Appellant: Shri Anil and Shri Umesh are present on behalf of the Appellant, through video conference
Respondent: Shri A J Thirukumar – CPIO was present through video conference during hearing.
The Appellant’s representative stated that information sought was not furnished by the Respondent. The Respondent on being questioned by the Commission stated that information with respect to queries 2 to 4 could not be furnished at the time the Appellant filed the RTI Application, because the recruitment process was on-going at that time. Since it has attained finality now, information sought by the Appellant as queries 2 to 4 can be now provided to him.
In the light of the aforementioned facts, it is hereby directed that the Respondent shall send a point wise revised reply to the Appellant, with respect to the queries number 2 to 4, furnishing complete and accurate information, within two weeks of receipt of this order, through registered post. The Respondent shall also submit a compliance report before the Commission in this regard within one week thereafter.
The appeal is disposed off with these directions.
Heeralal Samariya
Chief Information Commissioner
Citation: Ms. Pratibha v. NLC India Ltd., CIC/NLCOR/A/2023/606719; Date of Decision : 19.03.2024