Details regarding installation & functioning of Air conditioners and electricity bills in UT Secretariat - information pertaining to Home, Finance Depart. & Adviser’s Office were provided - CIC: provide inspection of the relevant files of all departments
8 Jan, 2014ORDER
1. Appellant submitted RTI application dated 2 April 2013 before the CPIO, Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh seeking details regarding installation and functioning of Air conditioners in the UT Secretariat through multiple Points.
2. Vide Order dated 16 April 2013, Appellant was asked to deposit the requisite photocopying fees for the information sought.
3. Appellant preferred first Appeal to the First Appellate Authority.
4. Vide Order dated 6 June 2013, FAA asked the Appellant to approach FAA, Engineering Department, Chandigarh for the information.
5. Being aggrieved and not being satisfied by the above response of the public authority, the appellant preferred second appeal before the Commission.
6. Matter was heard today. Respondents and appellant, as recorded above, appeared in person and made submissions. CPIO/Executive Engineer, PH7 stated that information had already been provided to the appellant in respect of Point (a) on 27.9.2013. It was stated by the CPIO / Home Department that information pertaining to payment of electricity bills in respect of the Home and Finance Departments and Adviser’s Office have been provided to the appellant.
Decision Notice
7. After hearing all the parties, Commission concludes that general terminology “U.T. Secretariat” includes the offices of the Departments of Home and Finance as well as the Adviser’s office. Accordingly, CPIO/Home Department is directed to provide information pertaining to Points (b) and (c) (most recent bills) to the appellant. In respect of point (d), CPIO Engineering Wing will also provide the requested information as above within one week. Both CPIOs will also provide opportunity of inspection of the relevant files by the appellant within two weeks thereafter.
(Smt. Deepak Sandhu)
Chief Information Commissioner
Citation: Shri S.K. Khosla v. Chandigarh Administration in Appeal: No. CIC/DS/A/2013/001204