CIC: There is a delay in giving complete information - CIC: The respondent has tendered his unconditional apology for delay in giving reply to the appellant - CIC issued a strict warning to the PIO to be careful in future and dropped the show cause notice
11 Apr, 2021O R D E R
1. The instant matter was earlier listed before this Commission on 05.08.2020 wherein the matter was adjourned for show-cause hearing.
2. The instant matter is listed today for further hearing.
3. The appellant attended the hearing through audio-call. The respondent, Shri Nikhil Gupta, CPIO attended the hearing through audio-call.
4. The appellant submitted his written submissions dated 21.09.2020 and 01.10.2020 and the same has been taken on record.
5. The appellant submitted that no information has been provided to him by the respondent on his RTI application dated 24.10.2018.
6. The respondent submitted that vide their letter dated 26.08.2020, complete information was given to the appellant on his RTI application. The respondent has further tendered his unconditional apology with respect to delay in giving reply to the appellant.
7. The appellant stated that he has not received reply dated 26.08.2020 from the respondent. The appellant requested the Commission that information should be send on his e-mail ID on which the respondent has also agreed to.
8. The Commission, after hearing the submissions of both the parties and after perusal of records, observes that there is a delay in giving complete information to the appellant on his RTI application. Further, the appellant has also not received the reply dated 26.08.2020 from the respondent. On the other hand, the respondent has tendered his unconditional apology for delay in giving reply/information to the appellant. The Commission issued a strict warning to the respondent CPIO to be careful in future and ensure that reply/information should be provided to the RTI applicants within stipulated period of time as per the provisions of the RTI Act. This warning of the Commission should be brought into the notice of the Controlling Authority of the then CPIO who held the charge during the relevant period of time as on the date of RTI application. The General Manager, Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Limited, Dhanbad should look into the working of the RTI Cell, Sindhri and take appropriate steps in improving the same.
9. The respondent is directed to again send a copy of their reply dated 26.08.2020 to the appellant through registered post and as well as on his e-mail ID as mentioned in the RTI application, within a period of 7 days from the date of receipt of this order.
10. The show-cause notice is hereby dropped.
11. With the above observations, the appeal is disposed of.
12. Copy of the decision be provided free of cost to the parties.
Neeraj Kumar Gupta
Information Commissioner
Citation: Shakti Chaurasiya v. Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Limited, Dhanbad in Second Appeal No. CIC/DFERT/A/2018/171012, Date of Decision: 25-01-2021