CIC: Reply was not sent via speed post & hence it might not have been delivered; Resend the copy of replies via speed post - CIC cautioned the PIO to be careful in future in respect of despatch of RTI correspondence; Keep the tracking report for record
16 Jun, 2020Information Sought:
The appellant has sought complete details of comments/noting sent by Dy. Commissioner, KVS, Gurgaon, in respect of transfer order issued vide KVS (HQ) letter No. F11032/5/2018/KVS(HQ)/Estt-11/7245-51 dated 17/04/2018.
Grounds for Second Appeal
The CPIO did not provide the desired information.
Submissions made by Appellant and Respondent during Hearing:
The appellant submitted that he had not received proper information. The CPIO submitted that an apt reply was provided vide letter dated 31.08.2018 which was despatched on 12.09.2018.
On a query by the Commission, the CPIO submitted that as on date, the case is under consideration.
The appellant submitted that he had not received the same.
Based on a perusal of the record, it was noted that the said reply was not sent via speed post and hence it might not have been delivered. However, the disciplinary proceedings in the above case are under consideration and hence no information was disclosed.
In view of the above observations, the CPIO is directed to resend the copy of replies via speed post within 7 days from the date of receipt of the order. The CPIO is cautioned to be careful in future in respect of despatch of RTI correspondence. They should send the replies via e-mail or speed post and keep the tracking report for record. In so far as the reply dated 31.08.2018 is concerned, no further action is required in the present case.
The appeal is disposed of accordingly.
Vanaja N. Sarna
Information Commissioner
Citation: Sudeshana Kumari v. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan (KVS) in Decision no.: CIC/KVSAN/A/2018/153019/02687, Date of Decision : 22/01/2020