CIC is planning to publish a book on "Success Stories" of RTI Act, 2005
22 Aug, 2016To:
The Chief Information Commissioner
Central Information Commission
New Delhi
Date: 19 Aug 2016
Dear Sir,
It was with great amusement and mirth that I read a news article mentioning that the Central Information Commission is planning to publish a book on "Success Stories" of RTI Act 2005 and has invited citizens to submit their success stories.
Sir, CIC can surely publish any book it wishes, BUT who is going to publish a book on the “Failures of RTI” ?
A Case in point:
1. During the early days of RTI Act 2005, I had helped the Secunderabad Cantonment Board in implementing Sec 4 of the RTI Act 2005 as well as trained their CPIOs, Officers & Staff in the provisions of the Act.
2. This effort was well appreciated and commended by the Commission in its order available here: cic_decisions/SM-26052009-01. pdf
3. Nearly 10 years down the line, I myself had to face the ignominy of having to file a RTI application with the same Public Authority to ask for the Name and Details of the CPIO of the organsiation.
No reply to RTI. No hearing/order to First Appeal.
Waited 2 years for a hearing at CIC.
CIC has given another 15 days to the Public Authority to provide me this simple information, which in any case was to be disclosed suo motu by the organisation. CICs order is available here: cic_decisions/CIC_CC_A_2014_ 002190_SD_M_195886.pdf
BUT, I still Love RTI !!!
Thanking You,
C J Karira