CIC: Complainant has agitated upon a grievance and not any aspect of the RTI to ascertain the veracity of his allegations etc; Complainant is advised to acquaint himself with the mandate of the RTI Act; Approach appropriate forum for airing the grievance
16 Dec, 2024
1. The Complainant filed an RTI application dated 20.02.2022 seeking information on the following points:
“Kindly supply the certified copies from the chief superintendent and observer for the information about the question numbers visibility from question numbers 2476 to 2480 in paper I of UGC NTA NET in computer based test in online mode for all the students at centre number AP1001 on 26-11-2021 from 3 pm to 6 pm.”
2. The CPIO replied vide letter dated 22.03.2022 and the same is reproduced as under:-
“As per the factual report sought from the Test Centre vide email dated 10.03.2022, it is informed that no such incident/issue was reported/happened for all the candidates during the exam at Exam Center SANDEEPANI EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY(717), KURNOOL, ANDHRA PRADESH on 26.11.2021 (Second shift).”
3. Dissatisfied with the response received from the CPIO, the Complainant filed a First Appeal dated 22.03.2022. The FAA vide order dated 25.04.2022 stated that:
“It is informed that there was no issue found at this Centre AP1001 on 26-11-2021. The same has been confirmed from the exam center. The exam center has informed that no such activity too place at the said exam center.
On perusal of your Audit log, it is observed that the Contended question numbers from 2476 to 2480 were visible on your screen. The details of your contended questions and opted option id thereto may be seen below:
1. Question Id- 2476, opted option id- 9901
2. Question Id- 2477, opted option id- 9908
3. Question Id- 2478, opted option id- 9910
4. Question Id- 2479, opted option id- 9914
5. Question Id- 2480, opted option id- 9918
Your claim for non-visibility of question numbers from 2476 to 2480 are false. A copy of your Audit log is attached, and Response sheet link given below, for your perusal: =b94b764d-8a3d4525-a350-d738ae74d4b7&Rollno=AP10000732&PgId=41”
4. Aggrieved with the FAA’s order, the Complainant approached the Commission with the instant Complaint dated 27.07.2023 stating inter alia as under:
“With this unavailability of English paragraph only (Respective questions available and answered too blindly, informed too to the invigilators &observer) I could not able to get eligibility marks, this is totally NTA fault. And I Could not raise the challenging evaluation also. Please Do the justice and take favorable actions. Otherwise my wife will be ended soon. Do the cross verification also…”
5. The Complainant was present during the hearing through video conference and on behalf of the Respondent, Sandeep Sharma, Deputy Director & CPIO attended the hearing through video conference.
6. The Complainant reiterated the grounds of the Complaint as mentioned above.
7. The Respondent endorsed the reply provided by the then CPIO and submitted that there is nothing further to add in the matter.
8. The Commission after adverting to the facts and circumstances of the case, hearing both parties and perusal of records, observes that the Complainant has not sought for any action amenable to the mandate of the RTI Act, much less, to the mandate of Section 18 in particular. In other words, the Complainant has agitated upon a grievance and not any aspect of the RTI Act to allow for the Commission to ascertain the veracity of his allegations etc. The Complainant is advised to acquaint himself with the mandate of the RTI Act and also to approach the appropriate forum for airing the averred grievance.
9. The Complaint is dismissed accordingly.
Copy of the decision be provided free of cost to the parties.
Information Commissioner
Citation: Gunti Viswanath v. National Testing Agency, Complaint No. CIC/NTAGN/C/2023/636586; Date of Decision: 04.11.2024