Can an applicant seek unlimited information?
15 Dec, 2011
Background of the case
The appellant sought voluminous information regarding compulsory retirement, copies of ACRs, minutes of meetings, Rajbhasa quarterly progress report, attendance record, copy of service book, transfer orders, etc. spread into 63 para with many sub para. The PIO provided part information and requested the Appellant to narrow down the remaining information since the same is voluminous. The FAA upheld the order of the PIO.
View of CIC
The respondent pointed out that the Appellant appears to have exercised no reasonable restrain in asking for information. Even reading such a large application and trying to made sense of it would disproportionately divert the resources of the Public Authority. On being asked by the PIO, the Appellant has not limited the information to some reasonable amount. While dismissing the appeal, the Commission mentioned that a citizen is also expected to observe some responsibility and restrain when seeking information.
Citation: Mr. Manoj Kumar v. Nuclear Power Corporation of India in Decision No. CIC/SG/A/2011/002563/16057